31 March 2009

Oh and I almost forgot to post.... because I am a busy momma, not because I am not proud

Chloe made Berryettes for her senior year of high school, she decided that she wanted to do that instead of cheer, and Gabbi made freshman cheerleading ( you know what that means...sniff sniff... that she is going to high school in a few short months. NOT THE BABY, I AM NOT READY......... ( and the tears start again). I just had to post my little brag on the girlies!

One down, and several to go...

I finished Gabbi's custom Easter basket today and thought that I would post it. I made it to match her room so that she could use it to organize things there and for some extra storage... I love how it turned out, I think I will use them down in my office when I find the right fabric. Click on the pictures for a bigger view.

My St. Patricks Day outfit...

I know that these are a little late but I wanted to show off my newest apron... (it was in the middle of my modest dress week so ignore the fact that I am wearing a skirt, lol)


Jonathan after surgery

Jonathan had to have his wisdom teeth removed along with 2 others, we didn't get any pics the first day or two after surgery since he slept the whole time, but here he is after a couple of days.

24 March 2009

Happy 34th Birthday Little Brother!!!

I found out why the bakery caught on fire... heeheehee

happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Hope that you had a great one!!!

12 March 2009

Okay, the long awaited craft blog, lol.

I am having trouble deciding where to begin... For Christmas my amazing husband bought me an embroidery sewing machine. I have wanted one for over 10 years so this was very exciting to me. I then proceded to order 50 spools of different colored thread for it and didn't have anywhere to put them. My husband and I went to the Goodwill store (on 50% off day, that never happens) and found this beautiful solid wood arimore and it was perfect for my machine. He then crafted me a spool holder to put across the back for the thread.
Here is a picture of him working on it...
and here is the finished product...
And then he made me a pom-pom maker...
And then Jonathan had to try it out...
Here is a few shots of my new sewing machine, cabinet and thread holder...
I used my new sewing machine to make several Christmas presents and a birthday apron for my friend Mysti... It turned out so cute that I had to make one for myself too...
I have also fallen in love with Japanese crochet called arigurumi. I have several new patterns and have finished a few... so here they are...
my turtle...
my piggie...
My one-earred bunny, yes I will finish the other ear... eventually, I kind of like it that way,lol.
And then I bought a ton of Hello Kitty patterns, since she is my favorite, here is my mermaid ... no face yet, but I will get it,lol.
I just love her!!! I also made a little felt baby...
That one is all hand embroidery, no machine work there,lol.
With all of the craft stuff invading the house I also got a craft cabinet, on sale of course but it works perfectly!!
And as if all of that just wasn't enough, I got a Cricut to do some scrapbooking, that is if I ever find any time,lol.

All of this was just in case everyone wondered what in the world I have been doing, since I haven't been blogging, lol. Well that and homework, housework and the usual...

I miss everyone and love you all dearly. Thank you for letting me share. I look forward to posting more Hello Kitty stuff as I got 4 new Japanese pattern books in the mail today!! WOOT WOOT, go me go me!!