24 August 2008

A break....

I spent Saturday and Saturday night with my brother and his amazing family. Mom and I went up and had a great time playing and talking, and eating... there was a lot of that,lol. We stopped at Aunt Carols on the way up and her yard, the garden, the pond all looked so delicious that I had to take pictures. I thought that I would share.

21 August 2008

Fishing Pics from the Dad and Kid Fishing Trip

She MADE IT!!!

A great big thank you to all of you who kept Miss Gabbi in your thoughts today!! She wasn't nervous and did a great job. So here we go again, 8th grade cheer!! She has made it all 3 years of middle school now, I am hoping that it works out in high school too since it is her incentive to stay out of trouble and keep her grades up!!!

16 August 2008

Shhh... Do you hear that???

My amazing husband has taken the children fishing, and I am here ALONE!! So imagine what it is that I hear.... NOTHING, isn't it beautiful? I hope that they catch a ton of fish so that I may post pictures tomorrow, oh and so that they don't want to come home for a while.

15 August 2008

So I have been informed that it has been entirely too long...

So I read over the last entry and noticed that it was a long... long... time ago. I am currently taking an Algebra 2 class that is just now starting to make sense again. I can't believe that I took this class 20 years ago and didn't have an issue with understanding and now, that I am paying attention and trying... I struggle. Go figure. The kids started back to school this week which is a prayer answered (thank you God). We are still struggling with bills but who in this country isn't. My husbands constant obcession is with moving to Perth Australia since he found out that he can make over four times what he is making now and do the same job. We got new family pictures taken in June before my oldest son left for boot camp, so I posted it... I miss him more than I can even describe. My oldest daughter has decided that she hates cheerleading this year after years and years of devoted practice, competitions and friends. She has not replaced it with anything other than this amazingly terrible attitude. I do hope this is just one of those stages that I always hear people talking about. Jonathan is determined to do much better in school this year as he is required a specific GPA in order to fulfill his plans...we will see, he always starts off well, it just doesn't last. Gabbi and Lexi are inseparable these days, I hope that is a good thing and they are not plotting new ways to get in trouble or determining the best ways to not get caught when they see one of the other kids get in trouble. I don't know how many more years of this teenagers thing I can do. For as much as I complain, they really are great kids. I don't know what I would do without them, my guess is make terrible cookies,lol. Board games just wouldn't be the same and I couldn't ever enjoy a scary movie again without making someone scream in the middle. Yes, they do serve a purpose, all of them. So I have updated for now and I will try as hard as I can to make sure that it isn't ever that long again.